
Volunteer Dee in purple shirt and jeans with large dog on leash
Meet Dee!

Volunteer Spotlight #2

Dee joined us as a volunteer in July 2022. She has had the joy of logging many miles walking dogs as well as assisting in the Dog Adoption Follow Up process to not only check in with adopters but to help indentify potential concerns and assist in problem solving. She has also been assisting with gathering reviews for the Greater Non Profits program from pet adopters. Always on the lookout for ways to help OPHS, Dee has coordinated efforts to gather and bring donated items to our campuses as well. Her favorite thing about volunteering is her interaction and bonds formed with the dogs. "I can see in their eyes, as well as their mannerisms, how much they appreciate the love and attention offered. My favorite type of animal to volunteer with is dogs, especially large dogs, although sometimes my body tells me otherwise.  I have had a passion for them since I was a little girl."

According to Dee, "One of the most meaningful moments to me was learning of potential adopters for a couple of dogs I worked extensively with, and to whom I had become quite attached.  Both had great anxiety and it was hard for me to leave each day knowing how stressed they would be.  I was able to be a part of their adoption meeting, and relay valuable insights to the new owners about what I knew.

Since I do follow-ups, I am still able to be in contact with adopters, and I look forward to hearing wonderful stories being relayed about so many of the dogs I've known as they navigate their journeys with new families."

Dee's favorite type of animal to volunteer with is the dogs; especially large dogs. She has had a passion for large dogs since she was a small girl. In her own words, "I am a huge animal lover and can never see my life without animals in it. At home I currently have 2 Paint horses, Magic and Dog (25 years and 22 years old) 2 Australian Shepherds, Kenzie and Leah (both 9 year old), a Yorkie, Bella (age 15.5) and 2 cats named Haley and Izzy.