Litter Box Training for Young Kittens


Around 3 weeks of age, introduce a shallow litter pan with fragrance-free, non-clumping litter. (CLUMPING LITTER IS DANGEROUS TO KITTENS**.) Place the kitten in the pan frequently to encourage them to use it.  You can try stimulating them over the pan as well.

Feline Panleukopenia is a real threat to kittens’ lives. It is absolutely essential that your foster kittens are never in contact with common ground that other people’s cats could come in contact with. Even wildlife can transmit these viruses in your backyard.

Because of this danger, we ask that you ALWAYS keep your foster kittens indoors. Please use a litter box for your foster kittens for their bathroom needs.

You can also use shredded paper to line the litter box.  For ease of cleanup, we recommend a scoop or sifter to remove dirty litter from the box. 

**The presence of quartz silica in clumping litter is extremely dangerous if ingested by small kittens.  Do not use clumping litter until the kitten is over 4 months old. 

Your foster kitten must be contained in the type of plastic carrying kennel any time you carry your foster kitten out the front or back door of your home.