
Marion Snuggling Grey tabby cat
Meet Marion!

Volunteer Spotlight #1

If you live in Clallam county, work with or rescue animals: you know Marion. She is beyond phenomenal. She is a one woman rescue dynamo that helps trap and vet the Ediz Hook colony of cats, rescues ferals, momma cats with kittens, orphaned kittens...she is amazing. She is also one of our very valued volunteers and has been assisting OPHS for over 11 years!

Marion has helped with taking photos for our animals Petfinder profiles, is a cat and kitten foster parent, bottle feeds kittens, transports animals, fixes dog kennels, builds cat furniture (catios and kennels) does TNR (trap, neuter, return) program, tames feral cats, rescues animals from ...everywhere (under homes, in attics, on the roof, etc) and helps every single animal that she can.

Her favorite part of volunteering is fostering good working relationships with OPHS staff, fellow volunteers, other local organizations and caring citizens for the benefit of the animals in our community. One of the "happiest moments while volunteering with us"....when OPHS decided to move from the location from far west Port Angeles to a more centrally located area off Old Olympic Highway: about 10 minutes from Marion's home! 

Marion's favorite type of animal to work with is feral kittens. (she really does work wonders with them and gets them socialized and fully adoptable!) Marion shares her heart and home with 7 felines and her husband. They have 2 "normal" (healthy) cats, 3 semi-ferals and 2 special needs cats. She also always opens her home to numerous cats and kittens in need of short or long term foster care. Clallam county is very lucky to have her in our midst!