Meowing (Too Much/Excessive)

     Most people know when to give their cat attention, or when it is time to feed (at least in your cat’s opinion). Most people can tell when cats are happy and or if they are angry or distraught. Many of those emotions are differentiated by the different tones and noises the cat makes.

     Cats can learn to communicate with us, just as we learn to communicate with them. Cats meow or vocalize to get our attention, or express discomfort or pain. Your cat may have learned that if they meow, people will talk back to them, play with them, feed them, or even yell at them. Remember, for some cats (and kids!) negative attention is better than none at all.

     Some people love to “talk” with their cats. If you’ve brought home an adult cat, it is possible that this behavior was encouraged by a prior owner. This is often how behavior patterns start and you now have a very “chatty” kitty.

     In order to decrease this habit, first start by not talking back, providing them with food, or whatever they are asking for. Ignore them when they meow, especially when this happens in the middle of the night. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, try earplugs and close the door to your bedroom. You will have to be strict for a few nights, because if that behavior has worked in the past, your cat will try harder for a few nights before giving up.

     Additionally, pay close attention when they are being quiet and immediately reward them for the moment of silence. This should be the backbone of your plan to fix this issue. Also try an alternative option for food such as timed automatic feeders and interactive food-dispensing toys in various rooms of your home.

     Make sure your cat is healthy and all their daily needs are met. Ensure their diet is adequate and they have a clean litter box and fresh water at all times. If your cat receives a balanced diet but continues to seem excessively hungry, consult a veterinarian as they might have a medical condition.

     Provide them with a regular daily routine. Cats like routine and will often meow excessively if their routine is changed. Cats need attention and interaction, so make sure you allot times for scheduled play sessions. It helps to give your cat a good play session before you go to bed.

     Provide your cat with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Cats are most active during morning and evening hours—similar to their natural hunting hours. Indoor cats need to be entertained and encouraged to play and exercise. Even a cat with access to the outdoors will want and need interactions with people. New toys (bought or made), food cubes that make cats work for food, and the occasional catnip toy help keep them from getting bored. Interactive playtime is the best kind of playtime for cats.

     Cats can be very vocal, and certain cats are more vocal than others. Cats learn to use vocalization to communicate with humans. Certain breeds, such as Siamese, are even known for their vocal demeanor. Many different feline vocalizations exist, and experts have tried to classify the different acoustic variations.

    Most cat owners know when to give their cat attention or when it is time to feed (at least in the cat’s opinion). Most people can tell when their cat is happy or when they are angry or distraught — many emotions are differentiated by the different tones, pitches, and noises.

    Some caregivers love to “talk” with their cats. If you foster or adopt a cat when they are an adult, it is possible that this behavior was reinforced by a prior guardian.

     Cats vocalize to get attention. They also vocalize to express emotions such as discomfort or pain, agitation, and in some cases, territoriality. If you have a very “chatty” cat, you can stop this habit by not rewarding the behavior and talk back. Ignore them when they meow, do not talk to them or provide them with food or play—especially not in the middle of the night. This should be the backbone of your behavior modification plan. Also pay close attention when your cat is being quiet and give them attention to reward and reinforce that silence.

     Always ensure that your cat’s needs are met on a daily basis and before your cats demands it. In some cases, it is beneficial to provide your cat with an alternative feeding option. This can be an automatic feeder or food-dispensing and interactive toys in a different room of the home.

     Cats need plenty of attention and interaction. Make sure that somewhere in your daily schedule you allot times for scheduled play sessions. Cats like routine and will often meow excessively if their routine is changed. Provide your cat with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Cats are most active during morning and evening hours—similar to their natural hunting hours. Indoor cats need to be entertained and encouraged to play and exercise. Toys, food cubes that make cats work to get the food, and the occasional catnip help keep them from getting bored. Interactive playtime is the best kind of playtime for cats.

     Some cats have a difficult time adjusting to a new home. You may notice excessive meowing if you have just moved to a new home or have just brought a cat into your home. It is normal, especially for an adult cat, to be disoriented and unsure in a new environment. Introducing your cat to the house gradually may help prevent some agitation. This behavior usually takes a few weeks to resolve.

     Pay attention to environmental changes to see if something could be bothering your cat, such as a new stray cat coming by your back door.

     Make sure your cat’s diet is adequate and they have a clean litter box and fresh water at all times. If your cat seems excessively hungry, schedule a check-up with your veterinarian. 

     If a normally quiet cat has become very vocal, your cat could be in pain. Make sure there is nothing medically wrong with them; schedule a check-up with your vet. If your cat is getting older, they could be going deaf or displaying cognitive dysfunction.

Continuous Meowing or Vocalization

     Each cat has their own personality. Some cats are more vocal than others, and most cats can learn to vocalize to communicate with humans. Certain breeds, such as Siamese, are known for their vocal demeanor. Many different feline vocalizations exist, and experts have tried to classify the different acoustic variations.

     Most cat owners know when to give their cat attention or when it is time to feed (at least in the cat’s opinion). Most people can tell when their cat is happy or when they are distraught. Many emotions are differentiated by the different tones and noises your cat makes.

     However, continuous or excessive vocalization is not normal. It can be the expression of distress, discomfort or pain, agitation, cognitive decline, or other forms of illness. In some cases, it could be due to territorial behavior. For example, unneutered (intact) male cats may yowl in conjunction with sexual behavior, and intact female cats in heat are known to vocalize excessively or continuously until bred or spayed.

     A grieving cat that has recently lost a companion, either feline, human, or canine, may walk around the house and meow, seemingly in search or just reacting to the change in routine. Give your cat extra reassurance, spend more quality time with them, and enrich their life with daily play until they adjust to this loss.

     A recent move or a new environment may be the cause for stress. It is normal, especially for an older cat, to be disoriented and unsure in a new environment. Introducing your cat to the house gradually may help prevent some agitation.        Pay attention to environmental changes to see if something could be bothering them, such as a new stray cat coming by your back door. This behavior usually takes a few weeks to resolve.

     If a normally quiet cat has become very vocal, pain needs to be ruled out first. Make sure there is nothing medically wrong with them; schedule an immediate check-up with a veterinarian.

     Older cats can display excessive or continuous vocalization due to going deaf, cognitive decline, or various metabolic or pain related disorders. Consult a veterinarian immediately with sudden changes in vocalization behavior.